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Thursday, April 17, 2008

C# and C++

It was a surprise that there was no thread for C++ recipes. Though C++ and C# are quite similar there are some very key and major differences. -I find C# resembles the style of java more than that of C++ i many ways. (I will be following this up with some coding recipes, to hopefully start a C++ reciped thread) Method/Function Declarations: C++: public: Constructor() { } void aMemberFunction() { } void aFunctionDeclaration(); private: void someOtherFunction() { } int aVariable; C#: private aVariable; public void aMemberFunction() { } public void aFunctionDeclaration(); private void someOtherFunction() { } Class Declaration: For those who know what a managed class is: C++: __gc class A_Class{ }; *NOTE that C++ classes end with a ; C#: automatically done so: class A_Class{ } Inheritence: C++: will allow multiple inheritence. eg. allows a method to be overriden many times in subclasses (derived classes). C#: supports inheritence, but not multiple, only 1 override per method/function/ Includes: C++: allows header files and other class files to be included using the #include keyword. C#: does not have such a quality, but the using directive allows other types to be referenced from another class (namespace as it is formerly called) without declaring it's context. Switch: *Props to PCurd for pointing out my careless mistake :) C++: supports the switch statement, and fall through. C#: does not support fall through in the switch statement, and i have not come across any replacement. *These are the largest of the differences i have noticed so far, if i come across any further impending differences i will be sure to add them.